General Settings is where amendments to areas of JTGO are made, such as locations that feed into other areas of JTGO such as Job Details when a new job is created. We’ve outlined steps below on how to set up and create your locations that feed into the different areas of JTGO.

Here’s a step-by-step video of how to add locations:

Or for written steps, follow the guide below.

From the main menu, press the Settings cog. Then, in the left-hand menu select General Settings then Locations.

In the left-hand column, select New Locations (or select an existing location to edit).

Complete all required information in the new window that opens (or update the existing information for those locations you are editing).

Ensure the city field, postcode and Country fields are populated for the Indeed feed to pick up the location and for the correct map to display on your candidate site.


When complete, press Save and Exit.

Remote Working

You can create a ‘Remote Working’ location, by entering a Location Name and enabling the Remote Working toggle.


Enabling this will set the city as Remote, grey out the address and postcode fields so they are unable to be edited and disable the map on this page and on the candidate site.