What's included in this guide


Indeed Direct Apply is a feature which allows candidates to apply for a job from Indeed (when the job was first created in your JTGO platform).


Candidates' CVs, along with all their basic details from their Indeed profile, will automatically transfer across into JTGO and appear as a submitted application.


What are the benefits of Indeed Direct Apply?

Some of the benefits of using this method include:

  • Reduced disengagement from candidates when they’re asked to register in a separate system (JTGO) - as Direct Apply will automatically transfer their basic details to their application form.
  • An increase in the volume of applications for advertised roles on Indeed.
  • Increase in application conversions - one of our clients saw a 19% increase in just 3 days!


Please note - if you choose to use Indeed Direct Apply, once it has been activated, it will apply to all roles that are posted on JTGO.


Building the application form

Before using the Direct Apply method, you will need to set up a separate application form.

You can do this by going to Settings > Application Templates > Direct Apply Application form.



Here, you will be shown an option to create one Direct Apply application form.

The first page is entitled Direct Apply Application Form and this is where you can add up to 10 additional questions to this section of the application template.


When you’re creating the Indeed Direct Apply application form, you will only be presented with questions, where the question types are:  

  • Multi-choice (one answer)
  • Textbox
The list of questions is pulled from those stored in the Question Bank, found in Settings > Assessment Forms > Question Bank.
  • For multi-choice questions, if you include 5 or fewer options to select from, they will appear as radio buttons.
  • If you include more than 5 options to select from, they will appear as a dropdown.

Adding questions

Direct Apply Application Questions

When adding questions to the application form, you can also request a CV from candidates when they are applying for the role.


The following information will automatically pull from a candidate’s Indeed profile:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • Email address
  • Phone number

On the right-hand side is a list of the Yes/No and True/False questions from the Assessment Form question bank to add to your application form.


To add a question from the question bank, press the + button next to the question you would like to add. Or alternatively, drag and drop the questions into the application form.


The question will then display in your questions on the left-hand side of the page. This will be displayed to candidates when they’re completing the application form.


Exit button:

At the bottom of the page, this button allows you to exit the page without saving any of the information to the application form.


Preview button: 

This allows you to see a preview of how the application form will be displayed to candidates before making the job live.


Save button:

This action saves all data you have selected within the Direct Apply Application Form.


How do I delete and change the order of the questions within the application form?


You can change the order of the questions in the application form by using drag-and-drop.


Using the ‘bin’ icon next to the questions allows you to remove any questions you have added.

Direct Apply Equal Opps Application Questions  

There is an additional ‘Equal Opps’ tab available to configure if required.


To access click on Direct Apply Equal Opps.


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  • Any Equal Opps questions configured here will be included as questions for applicants via Indeed Direct Apply.
  • Custom fields will be available to pull into the application form in the same way they can be added to normal application forms, however the questions will be limited to only those question types that are compatible with Indeed Direct Apply.  
  • Question types compatible with Indeed Direct Apply: 
    • Text
    • Multi-Choice (One Answer)
    • Multi-Choice (More than one answer)
    • Date fields.

Equal opportunities questions remain optional - if you do not need to record equal opportunities information against all applications, you can leave the Equal Opps section of the Direct Apply Application Form blank by not enabling any questions. 

If no questions are activated in the Equal Opps section of the Direct Apply application form, candidates won't be required to provide this information.


Exit button:

This button at the bottom of the page allows you to exit the page without saving any of the information to the application form and will take you back to the Indeed Direct Apply Application Form.


Save button:

This action saves all data that you have selected within the Direct Apply Application Form.


As of October 2023, Killer Questions / Pre-Assessment questions can now be included for candidates to complete as part of the application process. 


When you post a job with Killer Questions or Pre-Assessment questions, the job-specific pre-assessment form questions will now be added to the screening questions sent to Indeed. 


The Killer Questions / Pre-Assessment questions can only be Multiple choice questions and will be mandatory for completion.

Please note: The Killer Questions / Pre-Assessment questions can only be multiple choice questions.

There are restrictions in place to prevent any other question type being added to Pre-Assessment Forms as of October 2023.

However, we would recommend checking any existing Killer Questions / Pre-Assessment Forms to ensure that these only include multiple choice questions prior to advertising the role.

Please click here for more information.



Once the job has been made live in JTGO, the process of sending the role to Indeed will begin.

  • The job will be added to the Indeed feed, which will be ready to be consumed by Indeed.
  • Indeed consumes the feed and refreshes the job content 4 times each day (every 6 hours from the time of the last request).

Posting a role using the Indeed Direct Apply integration means that candidates who apply via Indeed will always complete the Indeed Direct Apply application form, not the application template specified on the ‘Assessment’ page in JTGO.



When candidates apply for a role that has been advertised using Direct Apply, they will be presented with the Indeed Direct Apply Application Form that is set-up within JTGO and any pre-assessment/killer questions that have been attached to the job.

The order in which the questions will display to applicants on indeed will be:

  1. Direct Apply Application Form
  2. Any pre-assessment/killer questions
  3. Any Equal Opps questions


Below is an example of the Direct Apply Application Form that candidates will see: 


Text, letter

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Once a candidate has submitted their application, this information is sent to JTGO and the candidate will receive an acknowledgement email which includes instructions on how to access their account.

Indeed cannot send a candidate’s data to us or we cannot receive the data, the candidates will be directed to the job advert on your vacancies site to apply for the role.

Please note however that candidates will not be re-directed to apply on JTGO if:

  • The candidate’s CV is too large for JTGO (the CV must be under 1MB).
  • The candidate tries to apply for the role after the closing date has passed. This will cause the application to fail.

These are two limitations to the integration. If a candidate tries to apply after the closing date has passed or uploads a CV that is too large, they will not be notified of this which may lead them to believe they have applied for the role.


Candidate Record

Once a candidate has submitted their application, this will be available to view in JTGO by going to the list of candidates against the role.


You can view a candidate's completed Indeed Direct Apply questions and CV by going to their application.

Viewing Application Questions & CV

  • Any additional questions that have been added to the Indeed Direct Apply Application form will appear under the ‘Application Form’ tab section entitled Assessment Form A.

The CV is displayed under the ‘CV & Documents’ tab.

The assessment questions will appear under the ‘Application Form’ tab and the CV is displayed under the ‘CV & Documents’ tab.


CV View


If a CV was required when setting up the application form, the information from the CV will be parsed, which can be used to assist candidates if there is a 2nd stage process in the application journey.


No matter which apply method a candidate has used, they will appear in the list of candidates against the job advertised.

Viewing Pre-Assessment / Killer Questions

You can review the candidate responses to the pre-assessment / killer questions by selecting the three dots in the Application Form section and then selecting Pre-Assessment Form.   


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The green tick and orange cross icons indicate the candidates answer to the question:

  • If a candidate answers correctly, you'll see a green tick  (Q1 in the below image)
  • If a candidate answers a question wrong, you'll see an orange cross, and the response will be highlighted in orange. (Q2 in the below image)



Please note: All correct answers in the pre-assessment/killer questions form will be shown in green. If there are multiple correct answers, they will all be highlighted in green as shown in the below image.

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Multi-choice (More than one Answer) responses 

If the question allows candidates to choose multiple answers, the responses will be shown in the same format:


A red and green lines

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In the example above the candidate has selected two options:

  1. GCSE which is incorrect
  2. A-Level which is correct 


Viewing Equal Opps Information

Candidate responses to the Equal Opps questions will be saved against the application form in the Equal Opps section which can be accessed within the ‘More’ menu. 


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Existing security role controls will still apply, so only those users with access to view Equal Opps will be able to see the actual candidate responses.


Viewing from the List of Candidates page


  • Pre-Assessment pass/fail icons will display for all candidates on the candidate listing page
  • If Equal Opps questions that trigger icons in Jobtrain are enabled, the icon will display based upon the direct apply application responses (e.g., two ticks or disability icons).


Search / Filter Options 

The search/filter menu will allow users to filter by pre-assessment form pass/fail, including Indeed Direct Apply applications.

How will I know which candidates have applied using this method?

When viewing the candidates’ applications, an icon is displayed on the candidate’s card and at the top of the application, which reads Applied via: (Indeed icon).



If a candidate is moved from a role where they originally applied via the Indeed Direct Apply method, please be aware that this information will be copied to the new role.

It will appear as though the candidate has applied directly using Direct Apply, even if the role does not have Direct Apply enabled.



Source Tracking 

The candidate source will automatically be tagged which allows you to report using the Source Tracking Report. This will appear as Indeed-Direct-Apply.


Equal Opportunities Reporting 


Equal Opps responses from direct apply applications will be reflected in any standard equal opps reports & dashboard graphical displays. 




Are CVs mandatory for this apply method?

No, CVs are not mandatory for this apply method. There is a toggle within the Direct Apply Application form to turn the CV option off.


My Job is not appearing on Indeed, why could this be? 


As Indeed consumes the feed and refreshes the job content 4 times each day (every 6 hours from the time of the last request) your job may not instantly appear on Indeed. Please read our Advertising on Indeed article for further information and tips.

Why is my question not appearing in the Direct Apply application form? 

If you are adding a new question to the Indeed Direct Apply application form, you will need to add this to the question bank first.


If the question is already added in the question bank and it’s not appearing in the Direct Apply application form, then you may have selected a question type that is invalid. The valid question types are multi-choice (one answer) and Textbox.


Can I build more than one Indeed Direct Apply application form? 

No, only one Indeed Direct Apply application form can be created. This can be controlled and edited by going to Settings > Application Templates > Indeed Direct Apply Application Form. 


Are candidates using this apply method asked to complete pre-assessment / killer questions?

Yes, if a job is advertised that includes Killer Questions / Pre-Assessment questions, the job-specific pre-assessment form questions are to be added to the screening questions sent to Indeed and candidates are required to complete these.

Please note: this only applies for any roles advertised on Indeed as of 11October 2023. Any candidates who applied via this method prior to this date will not have the been asked to complete these questions.


Are Equal opportunities questions mandatory? 

No, Equal opportunities questions remain optional. If you don't wish to capture equal opportunities information for all initial Indeed Direct Apply applications, simply leave the Equal Opps section of the form empty by not activating any questions.


If none of the questions are enabled, then the candidates will not be asked to complete this information.


I have activated the Direct Apply Equal opps section of the Application template but some candidates who have applied via Indeed Direct Apply have this data missing, why is this?  

The equal opps direct apply section of the application form was a new addition as of October 2023. Any candidates who applied prior to this date will not have this information included in their Indeed application.  

Can I track if candidates have come from the Indeed Direct Apply method?

Yes, the candidate source will automatically be tagged which allows you to report using the Source Tracking Report. This will appear as Indeed-Direct-Apply.


I’ve followed the guidance notes and have some further questions.

For any questions about Indeed Direct Apply (or any other JTGO functionality), please contact our Support Team on +44(0)161 8502004.