
This functionality allows you to post jobs to reed.co.uk directly from JTGO. When posting the job, you can also choose the apply method on a per job basis, selecting either Direct Apply or Refer & Populate.

Direct Apply – what is it?

If you have a problem with candidates completing applications or want to provide a quick and convenient experience for applicants but aren't concerned with having a full application initially, then Direct Apply could be the ideal solution for you.


Refer and Populate – what is it?

If you’d like candidates to visit your own site to complete a full application, but would still like to improve their experience and save them some time, then this solution is for you.

For a full description on the different apply methods available and to help you understand which one is best for you please read more here.

Posting to reed.co.uk 

Selecting your credit type

To access this feature, navigate to the Post The Job page of the job you wish to post to reed.co.uk. Click on Post to reed.co.uk



From here you can select whether you would like to post a Premium, Featured or Premium + advert.

You can also use the recruiter login button to access your reed.co.uk recruiter account and check how many credits you have, and the type of credits available.

Completing the advert details

Once you have selected your credit type the page will update.

Work through the page adding in the relevant information. You will be able to see the credit type selected in the right-hand corner, without having to go back to the previous screen.

If you have chosen the wrong credit type, simply use the Change Credit Type button to amend this.


  • Apply Method: Select the apply method. Only one can be selected per job.
    Read more on the apply method
  • Job Type: Select from the options available. Only one can be selected
  • Working Hours: Select from the options available. Only one can be selected
  • Location: This automatically pulls through the location entered on the job details page, but you can edit this information if required

Remote Jobs: For roles that are home-based or remote you must still add a location to post the job. Once you have posted the role you will need to login to Reed.co.uk site to manually select the role as being Remote.

  • Title: This automatically pulls from the Job Title for Candidates on the Job Details page. This field is not editable, so if you wish to make changes to it you will need to do this on the Job Details page first then revisit this page
  • Reference: This automatically pulls from the job reference number on the Job Details page. This field is not editable
  • Description: This automatically pulls through the external advert copy, however media rich content such as images and videos will be stripped out. You can edit the information in here and the box is re-sizable to make it easier to edit
There is a maximum character limit of 6,500 and a minimum of 150. 
If you’re copying and pasting information into JTGO, we always recommend copying the information into Notepad first and then into JTGO. This will remove any hidden formatting.


Scroll down the page and complete the additional fields:

  • No of Days Advertised: This defaults to 42 which is the maximum number of days. This can be edited if you wish to adjust the number of days the advert will be advertised for.
Selecting a lower number of days will still cost one reed.co.uk posting credit.
  • County Name: This automatically pulls through the county name based on the location selected on the job details page. This information can be edited if required.
  • Country Name: This automatically pulls through the country name based on the location selected on the job details page. This information can be edited if required.
  • Min Salary / Max Salary: These fields must be completed.This will display against the job and are searchable criteria within reed.co.uk.
If you enter 0’s in these fields this will display as ‘Salary not specified’ against the job advert rather than £0.

The final step before posting your job is to select the sectors. These are optional fields and will determine which search results the advert will appear in. Not entering a value here will mean reed.co.uk will guess which sectors the job is in based on the content of the description field. 

We recommend completing these fields to choose the sectors most relevant to the role.

Once you have selected a Sector, the list of available sub sectors will appear for you to select from.

You can only choose one sector and sub sector.

Posting the job

Once all required information has been completed, the final step is to press the post to reed.co.uk button.


Doing so will mean the job is immediately posted to reed.co.uk with no additional confirmation.

If there are any errors in posting the role, you will see a pop-up message onscreen advising of the issue:

If the job has successfully posted, then a confirmation message will appear on screen and the page will refresh taking you back to Post The Job > Job Status page.


Reviewing and editing posted jobs

If you navigate back to the Post to reed.co.uk tab then you will see the page has updated.

The information you inputted on the previous page will be displayed but greyed out indicating they cannot be edited. You will also see two new buttons:

  • Edit Job: This takes you to the pages described above and allows the fields to be edited again. When Post to reed.co.uk is clicked this time, it will overwrite the existing job advert on reed.co.uk. This will cost another credit.
  • View on reed.co.uk: This will take you directly to the advert on reed.co.uk.


1. Do I need to have a recruiter account with reed.co.uk to use this feature?

Yes, you need to have a recruiter account with reed.co.uk. This feature is designed to save users time when posting jobs there. You also need to ensure that you have enough posting credits with reed.co.uk to post the job.

2. If I close the job in JTGO will this automatically take the advert off reed.co.uk? 

No, if you mark the job as live for candidates = no then the advert will still remain live in reed.co.uk for the specified number of days you selected for the role to be advertised for. To close the advert, you will need to login to reed.co.uk.


3. Why am I getting candidates appearing in my job after I’ve closed it for candidates? (Related to FAQ 2 above)

If the job was posted using the ‘Direct Apply’ apply method, and the advert is still up on reed.co.uk, then any candidate who clicks apply will still be registered against that job.

If you are closing jobs early, it is important to remove the advert from reed.co.uk to prevent candidates applying after the job has been closed in JTGO.

4. I can’t see this page in my JTGO site, how do I get this feature activated? 

If you can’t see this feature in your JTGO site, you have either not been given access to use this feature as part of your access levels or this feature has not yet been activated in your site.

To get this activated please contact our Support team through the online helpdesk.