The JTGO platform is integrated with Yoti for Right-to-Work checks. What does this mean?


It makes the process of starting and managing Right-to-Work Identity checks easier without the need to leave your JTGO platform.


Yoti is a Government Certified Digital Identity company that enables users to verify their identity to organisations. This makes it safer for people to prove who they are by providing the correct documents for Right-to-Work  (RTW) checks.


What’s included in this guide:

The process for integrated Right-to-Work checks

How do I start a Right-to-Work Check?

To start a RTW check for a candidate within JTGO, go to the list of candidates against a job and follow the steps below:

1. Select the candidate to invite to complete a Right-to-Work check.

2. Click Employment Checks in the left-hand menu to display a list of options.

3. Then choose Start Identity Check.


4. Displayed on the next screen is the following:

  • Choose which system user(s) to notify once the candidate has completed their identity check. They will need to verify the candidate's identity.


After following the steps above, press Invite which will start the process.

On screen a pop-up message will be displayed to confirm the invitation has been successfully sent to the candidate & the candidate’s status will automatically update to ‘Invite to RTW Check’.


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How do I track the process of the Identity Check?

Once the identity check process has started, the Identity Check section will automatically open on the right-hand side of the candidate's application.


This is where you can track the progress of the candidate's identity check and see details of when the request was sent, by who and the status.


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The status within this section will automatically update as the candidate’s identity check progresses through the process along with the candidate’s application status.


After the process has started, the identity check status will be Request Sent to Candidate and the candidate’s application status will be Invite to RTW Check.


Once the candidate has completed their identity check the status of the check will be updated to Check Complete – Awaiting Approval and the candidate’s application status will be RTW Check Complete.


Once the identity check has been approved the candidate's application status will update to RTW Check Approved.


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How will verifiers approve / reject the identity check?

The approvers (chosen at the start of the identity check process) will receive an email asking them to Approve / Reject the check.


You can view the email that has been sent by going to the History tab within the Identity Check section.


For the user(s) to Approve / Reject the identity check they will need to log in to your JTGO platform and go to the candidate's application to review the Identity Check Progress section.


The status of the check will be Check Complete – Awaiting Approval.



From here, the verifier can download the identity check report and press the Approve or Reject button which will approve or decline the identity check.


The status of the candidate's application will then update to RTW Check Complete.



How to view Identity Check information once the process is completed

After the identity check is complete, the Identity Check section will automatically close. However, the information is still available to view.


To access it after a check has been completed, go to the candidate's application then press More.



You will then see the button - Identity Check Progress.




Is there a charge for Right-to-Work checks? 


Yes, there is a cost for each Right-to-Work check.  Please speak with your JTGO Business Manager to find out more.


Am I limited to a certain number of checks? 


No, you can do as many checks as you need.


What does the candidate experience look like when completing a check?


You can see the candidate's experience by watching the video below:

Can I assign a candidate to another job?


Integrated Right-to-Work checks can only be completed once.  If you attempt to start another Identity Check, a warning message will display saying a check has already been issued.


If a Right-to-Work check has been fully completed and you assign a candidate to another job, the returned check will not transfer to the new job.


You can however assign candidate(s) to other job(s) at any point before the Right-to-Work check is completed.


Can I request identity checks in bulk?


No. A unique link must be generated for each applicant, therefore, Right-to-Work checks must be triggered one at a time.


I’ve followed the guidance notes and have some further questions. 


For any questions about using Right-to-Work checks (or any other JTGO functionality), please contact our Support Team on +44(0)161 8502004. 


More information on Digital Identity Checks via Yoti can be viewed here.


Guides from Yoti

  • YOTI - Candidates Right-to-Work Checks User Guide 
  • YOTI - Candidates Right-to-Work email template