What's included:



Brand Builder is functionality that allows you to update the branding on your candidate site.


What are the benefits of it?


One of the main benefits of using Brand Builder is the ability to make updates in real time and in just a few clicks.

Accessing Brand Builder:

You can access Brand Builder by logging in to JTGO.


Go to Settings > Brand Builder Setting > External Login.


Here you will see the Brand Builder site where you can start to make changes and build your site.


Graphical user interface, application

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How do I use Brand Builder?

When you first log into your site, you are directed to the Brand Builder configuration page which displays your current brand setup.


There are five buttons on the left-hand side menu. These are what you will use to navigate your way through making changes to your branding.

A couple of women sitting on a couch looking at a computer

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Brand settings are accessed by clicking the cog and it’s where you will manage the following:

  • Logo
  • Website title
  • Home URL
  • Company URL
  • Primary colour
  • Body font style
  • Header font style
  • Button shapes


A picture containing text, computer, screenshot

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You can see any changes you make to your candidate site by going to your vacancies website.


Within brand settings the first item you will see here is the existing logo on your candidate site:




If you remove the logo, you will be presented with the Upload Logo button which allows you to upload a new logo.


Select the image you wish to upload and then select Save.


Website title:

The website title is the text that will appear at the top of the tab.



Home URL:

This is the page you are taken to when clicking on the logo in the top left corner of the site.


Please note that the URL must be added with its Security Protocols (i.e. https://).

For example: https://jobtrain.co.uk/


Company URL:

This gives you the option to add a URL to the bottom of the page, on the job advert.  It can be different to the Home URL.


If nothing is added here, then the ‘Take a look around the company’ section will still be presented but there will be no link for candidates to click.


Graphical user interface, text, application

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Please note that the URL must be added with its Security Protocols (i.e. https://).

For example: https://jobtrain.co.uk/


Primary colour:

The chosen primary colour links with the following:

  • Headers
  • Boxes
  • Benefits component
  • Social media Icons
  • Company URL

Body and header font styles:

You can select the font styles that will be used throughout your site for both the body of your text, along with the font style for your headers!


Button shape:

Choose the shape of the buttons on your site - either a pill or a square shape.


A picture containing text, person, indoor, screenshot

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A picture containing text, person, screenshot

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